DALI Lighting Busbar

DALI Lighting Busbar

DALI is the acronym for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface. It is a standardised protocol for lighting control in buildings.

DALI enables communication between lighting control devices such as sensors, switches and and luminaires providing flexibility and energy efficiency.

WIth Graziadio UK Ltd GLS Lighting Busbar, The DALI signal can be transported using two of the conductors normally used for electrical power. This is possible on a 4P busbar system as illustrated below, or on a 6P system if also requiring additional phases such as emergency lighting.

For more information on how we can help with your next project, please get in touch

Tech Talk 2024 – London

tech talk

Talking about a great company, but in just 10 minutes?

There is so much to say about what we can offer…. but we’ll try!

We were proud to attend the Tech Talk event in London, which took place on 22 January 2024, where we were present with our partners from Italy.

These were meetings with some leading names from within the sector, learning about what is valued most by them so we can adapt our offering to suit. It was a delight to be able
to meet everyone face to face and show them first-hand our products, whilst also sharing ideas and projects, building connections and finding new opportunities!

Thanks to all who stopped by our stand to have a chat!